Here is a new piece of music I created entitled ‘Just Us,’ and I hope it inspires you to find your voice.
There are many ways to stand up to injustice. The arts have always been at the forefront of the fight for oppressed peoples’ rights throughout history.
I have always found a focused calmness in creating music during challenging times.
Our art may not be perfect, but it is perfect for the moment in which it was created.
This is the first time in our history where social injustice is laying out naked in the sun for the world to see without distraction. It’s up to us, the peoples, not to let up during this season of struggle. We must resist the beasts to recreate a more just and equal union for all to live and thrive in peace.
The world is genuinely abundant, and with care and the care for each other, there is more than enough for us all.